Update to the new book project: The single book for which I am working together with Charles H. Harris III, one of the greatest Mexican Revolution scholars alive, turned into a four-volume project. The title of the series is The federal Bureau of Investigation before Hoover. Volume 1, which is now available for sale as Kindle and paperback, is called The fBI and Mexican Revolutionists, 1908-1914. Volume 2, The fBI and German Intrigue, 1914-1917 will be available next year in May. We received great editorial reviews from the Wilson scholar and intelligence history giant Mark Benbow, the biographer of Abraham Gonzalez and Mexican Revolution scholar William Beezley, and Chicano Studies scholar Roberto Cantu. check the book out! It is the first thorough analysis of the early agents of the Justice Departments with lots of biographical information, amazing anecdotes and over 40 photographs.

Go to https://www.amazon.com/federal-Bureau-Investigation-before-Hoover-ebook/dp/B0CNSG7XW1/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OXRBEKQ4ZFBG&keywords=heribert+von+feilitzsch&qid=1702149831&sprefix=%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-1
